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发布时间:2021-10-25 18:56:04 阅读: 来源:螺旋管厂家



If paying attention to moderation and harmony is the unique way of Chinese peoples life, courtyard is the most important carrier of this Oriental philosophy.


In China, Like the Forbidden City at the top of power, the unique Shanxi courtyard, the Hakka earth building defending the glory of the clan, and the old Beijing quadrangle courtyard, they are all important components of the Chinese courtyard architecture.


They represent the Chinese peoples belief in the moderation and harmony, which they regard as the foundation of their lives.


It is not easy for Xiangzhou Port to stick to the position of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture when its traditional culture is under the impact of western trend.


Xiangzhou Port is Located in the hinterland of Hengqin Free Trade Zone, based on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is a world-facing quadrangle courtyard with elegant and magnificent Oriental aesthetics.


In the 136 courtyards of Xiangzhou Port, you can see the elegant and beautiful Hui-style architecture, the vigorous atmosphere of Jin School, the elegant and smart sichuan school, the fusion of Chinese and Western li液压万能试验机突然断电怎么办ngnan school, and the beautiful and prosperous Shanghai school.

中国人的院子情怀,源于“天人合一”的哲学以及“独与天地往来”的精神,在「筑影设计」(DREAN DESIGN)的专业光环境打造下,香洲埠重现了百年前香洲的繁华与荣光,成为人们鉴赏中式古建的集大成之窗口。

The courtyard feelings of Chinese people are rooted in the philosophy of unity of man and nature and the theory that "Alone with heaven and earth". Under the professional lighting design by "DREAN DESIGN", Xiangzhou Port renewed its prosperity and glory of Xiangzhou hundreds years ago, and also becomes a window for people to appreciate the Chinese ancient architecture.

“道法自然、天人合一”,这是道家的哲学思想,它所反映的万物规律是自然而然的,人和自然在本质上是相通的。 香洲埠正好遵循了这一哲学思想,将天、人、器、物的合一关系和谐统一。

"Follow nature’s course, and man and nature are in one", which is the philosophical thought of Taoism. The law of all things reflected in it is natural, and man and nature are interlinked in nature. Xiangzhou Port just follows this philosophical thought and harmonizes the unity of heaven, people, appliance and objects.


We are a poetical nation. In the blocks, courtyards and lanes of Xiangzhou Port, poetry is revealed everywhere though there is no obvious inscription of poetry. Xiangzhou Port, which gathers the essence of sichuan, Hui, Jin, Shanghai and Lingnan five schools of architecture and has thousands of years of Chinese architectural culture connotation, strives to build a greater Bay Area cultural and art platform by introducing national master craftsmen, artists, intangible cultural her济南试金玻璃钢板拉伸性能实验包括玻璃纤维织物增强塑料和短切玻璃纤维增强塑料的拉伸性能实验itage and other cultural resources.

如何重现香洲埠百年前的繁华与荣光,除了建筑设计理念的高度统一,专业级光环境的营CDW-60型冲击实验低温槽造亦是体现香洲埠华美瑰丽的重中之重;对于灯光色域、照射角度、呈现方式恰到好处的把控,是筑影设计(DREAN DESIGN)对香洲埠建筑理念和风格进行深刻参透之后的绝佳之作。

How to reproduce the prosperity and glory of Xiangzhou Port 100 years ago, in addition to the highly unified architectural design concept, the creation of professional light environment is also the top priority to reflect the magnificent xiangzhou Port; Proper control of the color gambit, illumination Angle and presentation mode of lighting is the best work after DREAN DESIGN deeply explores the architectural concept and style of Xiangzhou Port.


With peoples increasing pursuit of the spiritual field and the governments efforts to promote the development of cultural tourism industry, such as Xiangzhou Port, consistent with the Chinese peoples vision of traditional culture, architectural art works will be more and more favored by the world.




照明设计:筑影设计 DREAN DESIGN

摄影作者:DREAN 杨俊宁


